Each and every water service shall be provided with the proper size meter furnished by the Water Utility.
   (A)   More than one customer on one service. If more than one customer is supplied water from one main service, there shall be a separate shut-off valve installed on each individual service.
   (B)   Accessibility. All meters shall be installed in a suitable and accessible place. In case no suitable place for the meter can be found within the building served, an approved meter pit shall be furnished by the village for the meter installation. The applicant will pay for meter installation.
   (C)   Meter shutoff. All meters shall have a shut-off valve installed on each side of the meter and on all meters larger than one-inch, an approved bypass shall be installed. The bypass shall be sealed by the Water Utility. The seal shall not be removed except by Water Utility employees except by written approval of the Board of Public Affairs.
   (D)   Inspections. The village reserves the right of the Water Utility to make inspections or checks of installations at all reasonable hours. Refusal of inspection rights shall automatically be authority for discontinuance of service.
   (E)   Tampering prohibited. No person shall cut, break, tamper or remove any seal placed on a water meter, connection or bypass. Where any evidence of tampering with the seal, meter or its connections is found, service may be discontinued immediately at the discretion of the Board of Public Affairs. Water service shall not be restored until an estimate of the water used has been paid in full.
   (F)   Installation. No meter shall be set and service turned on unless there is at least one adult at the place of service, such party to check all faucets and outlets for water and see that they are properly closed. The Water Utility will not be responsible for any damage incurred due to failure of the consumer to make such check.
   (G)   Protection. Meters shall be properly protected against hot water warping of the measuring chamber by check valves installed on hot water lines at the proper points by the property owner. Meters shall be properly protected against freezing by the property owner. If the water meter is damaged due to freezing or hot water blow back, a service charge shall be made and the repair or replacement costs of the meter will be charged to the property owner.
   (H)   Removal of meter. When service is discontinued and the meter removed, the Water Utility shall not be responsible for the draining of water lines, plumbing or fixtures.
   (I)   Testing of meters. Upon written request of a customer, and his or her agreement to pay all costs involved in testing, the Water Utility shall test the meter in question either at the place of consumption or at the Water Works. At least one adult customer shall be present when the test of the meter is made. Upon test, the meter shall register within plus or minus 2% for five-eighths inch to two-inch meters. Over two-inch meters shall register plus or minus 5%. However, if the meter is inaccurate under the above conditions, the water service charge shall be adjusted for the amount of overcharge and no charge for the testing of the meter shall be made. If the meter is found to be accurate according to the above standards, the customer shall pay a fee for the testing of the meter.
(Ord. 18, 2006, passed 9-28-2006)