(A)   Meters shall be read monthly and the bill shall be rendered on the first day of the month of each calendar month. The bills are to be paid within 15 days after billing. A penalty of 20% will be added to bills not paid by the due date. In the event delinquency in payment continues for a period of 60 days after the first billing date, the water service billed for will be immediately discontinued and can only be resumed upon full payment of all delinquent water bills and penalties including the subsequent reconnect charge of $50.
   (B)   The Board of Public Affairs will designate a bank to act as the collection agency at which payment for water services can be made. When a bill is presented for payment, the stub is stamped by the bank showing the date the payment is honored. The BPA will accept the date stamped by the bank or a postmark by the due date as the official date of payment. Any bill stamped or postmarked after the fifteenth day of the month will accrue the 20% penalty. Payments via night deposit cannot be honored until the next business day.
   (C)   In the event water distribution personnel are utilized to personally collect delinquent utility bills, in addition to the penalty charge noted in division (A), a collection charge of $15 shall be assessed to the delinquent bill at the time of collection.
(Ord. 18, 2006, passed 9-28-2006)