(A) The Board of Public Affairs (BPA) shall manage, conduct, and control the waterworks, furnish supplies of water, collect all water rents or charges, and appoint necessary officers, employees, and agents.
(B) The Board may make such bylaws and rules as it determines to be necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of such works, plants, and public utilities. These bylaws and rules, when not repugnant to municipal ordinances or to the constitution or laws of this state, shall have the same validity as ordinances.
(C) For the purpose of paying expenses of conducting and managing such waterworks, plants, and public utilities or making necessary additions thereto and extensions and repairs thereon, the Board may assess a water rent or charge of sufficient amount, and in such manner as it determines to be most equitable, upon all tenements and premises supplied therewith.
(D) The Board shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as are provided in Ohio R.C. §§ 743.01, 743.05 to 743.07, 743.10, 743.11, 743.18, 743.24, and 735.05 to 735.09, and all powers and duties relating to waterworks, and the Board shall have other duties as are prescribed by law or ordinance not inconsistent herewith.
(Ord. 18, 2006, passed 9-28-2006)