(A)   Employees may access their own personnel files with reasonable notice to the Fiscal Officer.
   (B)   If the employee objects to any item in the personnel file, the employee may provide written clarification or explanatory response for inclusion in the file to the Mayor.
   (C)   Employees may request copies of items in their personnel file.
   (D)   Requests for information from the public will be answered in accordance with the State of Ohio's Public Record Law.
   (E)   If under the public records act, a person other than the employee, Fiscal Officer, department head, or member of the governing board makes a request to inspect an employee's personnel records, the employee will be notified of the date and time of the inspection and given an opportunity to review the file or information prior to inspection.
   (F)   Nothing in this policy restricts the release of public records. Personally identifiable information is only sensitive if Ohio law gives discretion on its release.
(Ord. 5, 2014, passed 8-14-2014)