(A)   No employee under the age of 18 is allowed to drive Village of Marblehead owned or personal vehicles during the course of their employment.
   (B)   Authorization for temporary/seasonal employees to operate vehicles shall be limited where practical. However, if authorized, these employees must be approved by the Village of Marblehead.
   (C)   Any employee who operates a vehicle on a regular or occasional basis is required to report any license suspension or revocation, including those that result from the operation of personal vehicles, to the Village of Marblehead. Likewise, all accidents or moving violations must be reported to the Village of Marblehead.
   (D)   Drivers will not operate vehicles when under the influence of alcohol or illicit and/or driving impairing drugs.
   (E)   Flasher lights on trucks, cars and equipment should be used as emergency or work conditions require. Flasher lights are not to be used as an excuse to gain the right of way or to break traffic rules.
   (F)   All traffic laws of the State of Ohio, including signs and speed limits and wearing of seat belt and shoulder harnesses, will be obeyed.
   (G)   Employees driving vehicles during their employment are responsible for insuring that the vehicle is properly maintained and in a generally safe operating condition.
   (H)   Employees shall not transport passengers in village vehicles except for those who are employees of the Village of Marblehead or are conducting business with or on behalf of the Village of Marblehead.
   (I)   No one is permitted to ride outside the passenger compartment when a vehicle is in motion.
   (J)   Employees driving personal vehicles while in the employ of the Village of Marblehead will maintain primary automobile liability insurance coverage on the vehicle being driven. State required minimum bodily injury/physical damage limits must be maintained.
   (K)   Personal vehicles will not be used to pull trailers or haul equipment while being used in Village of Marblehead related business.
   (L)   Backing of vehicles should be discouraged given the rate of accidents that take place during this operation. No vehicles should be backed up unless the driver cannot avoid it and he or she has a clear view of the entire area to be backed into. If such a view is not present, the driver, if alone, will get out of the vehicle and inspect the area to be backed into or, if a second person is in the vehicle, the second person will get out and guide the driver using appropriate hand and/or voice signals.
(Ord. 13, 2008, passed 8-14-2008)