§ 154.053 SCREENING.
   (A)   The intent of this provision is to improve the appearance of parking areas and property abutting public right-of-way and to require buffering between non-compatible land uses in order to mitigate negative visual impacts upon adjacent properties and along the public rights-of-way.
   (B)   All non-residential establishments shall be required to enclose all outdoor refuse containers on a minimum of three adjoining sides. This enclosure shall be constructed to maintain a minimum three-foot clearance between itself and the dumpster, and shall be at least one foot higher than the highest part of the refuse container or containers enclosed. Such enclosures shall be constructed of solid and opaque wood or material similar to that of which the principal building is constructed. Construction-grade plain faced concrete will not be permitted.
(Ord. 0-1847-01, passed 12-17-01)