(A)   No storm water, roof water leader or sub-soil drain shall at any time be led into or connected with the separate or sanitary sewer system, or led into or connected with any soil pipe or house or other building drain, or house or other building sewer tributary to the separate or sanitary sewer system.
   (B)   Every dwelling house and commercial building in the Village, located on a lot which abuts a street improved with curbs and gutters, or which has access to a public storm sewer located in the abutting street or in an easement traversing or abutting such a lot, shall direct all roof water from downspouts to the street gutter or storm sewer, as the case may be, through a pipe approved by the Village Engineer or designee. Such pipe shall be sealed and laid to a proper grade and buried underground to its discharge to the street gutter or storm sewer.
   (C)   Whoever, being the owner, agent, occupant or the holder of any interest in real estate or building thereon which connects, causes to be connected, or permits the connection of any drain downspout or any other conveyor of storm water, roof water, surface water, or sub-soil water drain, to be made with the sanitary sewer system or any tributary of such sanitary sewage system shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as provided in § 51.99.
   (D)   Whoever, permits or continues to permit the connection of such storm, roof, or surface drains to a sanitary sewer line after notice by the Village Engineer to remove such connection, within not more than 30 days fails to comply with the order to discontinue or disconnect such connection, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor subject to the penalty as provided in § 51.99.
   (E)   No contractor, builder or person, whether owner thereof or employer, shall upon erection of any building connect any sub-soil drain with any line, pipe or conductor of sanitary sewage from said building into the sanitary sewer system of the Village.
   (F)   The Village Engineer is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this section and for such purpose and for the purposes of determining whether or not roof water, drains or other surface water or sub-soil drains are connected with any sanitary sewer line is hereby authorized after reasonable notice to the owner or occupant of any premise or building within the Village to make such investigation and issue such orders necessary for a full and complete investigation of the matters herein; and for the purposes of the section such Village Engineer may employ the services of any other department or employer within the Village or may employ such other persons, firms, corporations or associations as may be necessary to adequately investigate or enforce the provisions of this section.
   (G)   The Village Engineer upon finding such connection made to the sanitary sewer system of this Village is hereby authorized to forthwith disconnect such roof drains or downspouts, properly plug such lines below ground level and close with cement mortar.
      (1)   All cost incurred by the Village in the removing or disconnecting any unauthorized or illegal connection to the Village’s sanitary sewer system shall be charged to the property owner from whose property such illegal attachment or connection to the sanitary sewer system is removed.
      (2)   The Village Engineer, upon completion of the work provided for herein shall cause a statement for all cost in connection therewith to be forwarded to the owner of the property by mail, at the address provided for the mailing of tax bills to the property owner.
      (3)   If such costs are not paid within 30 days from the date of mailing the Village Engineer shall certify such cost to the Fiscal Officer for ordinance authorizing the same to be listed on the tax duplicate of that parcel of property and collected in the same manner as other taxes are collected.
(Ord. O-2388-13, passed 10-21-13) Penalty, see § 51.99