(A) "B-1" Central business district. Includes public and semipublic uses and other activities of a comparable clean and compact nature with a minimal impact on traffic, which contribute to the economic health and welfare of the area as determined by the Village Council.
(B) "B-2" Highway and general business. General businesses including building trades, general and service business, and other commercial uses.
District | Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses |
P-1 Public District | Parks and playgrounds Village buildings Public recreation buildings | |
R-1 Residential District | Single family dwellings Residential business occupations | Condominiums Two-family dwellings Multi-family dwellings Public schools Private schools Places of worship Community center buildings Public recreation buildings Public parks and playgrounds Public libraries Public museums |
B-1 Central Business District | Professional services Offices of: Physicians and surgeons Dentists and dental surgeons Osteopathic physicians Chiropractors Attorneys Engineers and architects Accountants and auditors Organizations and Associations Business associations Professional membership associations Labor unions Civic, social and fraternal associations Political organizations Charitable organizations Administrative and Business services Security brokers and companies Life insurance Accident and health insurance Fire, marine and casualty insurance Title insurance Surety insurance Insurance carriers and agents Real estate operators | Personal services Photographic services Funeral service Nursery or day care center Nursing or retirement home Group home Animal hospitals and clinics Food and lodging Restaurants Lodging houses Administrative and Business services Commercial and stock savings banks Mutual savings banks Trust companies Savings and loan associations |
B-2 Highway Business District | Professional services Offices of: Physicians and surgeons Dentists and dental surgeons Osteopathic physicians Chiropractors Attorneys Engineers and architects Accountants and auditors Organizations and Associations Business associations Professional membership associations Labor unions Civic, social and fraternal associations Political organizations Charitable organizations Administrative and Business services Commercial and stock savings banks Mutual savings banks Trust companies Savings and loan associations Security brokers and companies Life insurance Accident and health insurance Fire, marine and casualty insurance Title insurance Surety insurance Insurance carriers and agents Real estate operators Broadcasting offices and stations | Automotive sales Gas station/Service station Collision repair and associated automotive services Drive-in commercial uses Manufacturing and Industrial services Wholesale services Bakeries and dairies Research and testing facilities Warehouses |
(Ord. 0-1847-01, passed 12-17-01; Ord. O-2499-16, passed 8-15-16)