§ 153.17 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   The final plat on mylar and seven black and white prints thereof, and three prints of certified plans showing the improvements which shall be or have been constructed (or, a bond assuring construction of the required improvements), shall be submitted to the Council. Before approving the plan of all or part of a proposed subdivision, the Council will require proof that the improvements have been satisfactorily completed, as required under §§ 153.50 through 153.55, or that a bond has been furnished assuring their completion.
   (B)   The Council shall act upon the final plat within 60 days after submission, unless the subdivider agrees to an extension. The approval of the Council shall be shown on the plat, with the date of such approval over the signature of the Mayor.
   (C)   The final plat should be drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch.
   (D)   In plats of unusual size the Council may permit a variation in scale. If more than two sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimensions should be filed showing the entire subdivision on one sheet, with all areas shown on other sheets indicated thereon.
   (E)   Drawings should be held to a minimum of 20" x 30" and a maximum of 30" x 40" outside dimensions.
   (F)   The final plat should show:
      (1)   The boundary lines of the area being subdivided, with accurate distance and bearings, including section, township, corporation and county lines;
      (2)   The property lines of all proposed streets and alleys, with their widths, names and bearings;
      (3)   The accurate boundary lines of all grounds for public use, and the acreage of same;
      (4)   The line of departure of one street from another;
      (5)   All common boundary corners of all adjoining lands and adjacent streets and alleys, with their widths and names;
      (6)   All lot lines with their bearings, identification system of lots, blocks and other areas;
      (7)   Easements for public use, services or utilities, with their dimensions;
      (8)   All dimensions, linear and angular, boundary locations, lots, streets, alleys, easements and areas for public or private use expressed in decimals of a foot;
      (9)   Radii, arcs and chords, points of tangency, central angles for all curvilinear streets, and radii for all rounded corners;
      (10)   The name of the subdivision and description of property subdivided, showing its location and extent, points of compass, scale of plan, dedication of streets and other public open spaces, names of owners and subdivider, together with appropriate evidence of ownership of the subdivision;
      (11)   Certification by a civil engineer or surveyor, licensed or registered in the State of Ohio, to the effect that the plan represents a survey made by him, and that all the necessary survey monuments are correctly shown thereon.
   (G)   Trusteeship of lots indicating periods of existence shall be shown on the plat, or, if this is not practical, a note to this effect shall be shown referring to a separate instrument for said trusteeship. Proper acknowledgment of owners and consent by mortgagee of the plat and restrictions shall also be shown.
   (H)   Before recording the plat, a certificate shall accompany same showing that all taxes have been paid in full. Where a preliminary plan is not required in accordance with § 153.16, the final plat shall not be approved without a hearing thereon.
(Ord. 448, passed 11-16-53; Am. Ord. 699, passed 2-15-65; Am. Ord. O-2128-06, passed 10-16-06)