(A)   Village of Marble Cliff Building Department established. The Village of Marble Cliff Building Department is hereby established. The Department shall have full authority to enforce all laws, statutes and regulations as provided and authorized in the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code pursuant to the certification approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards. (Ord. 0-1725-99, passed 8-29-99)
   (B)   Grandview Heights Building Department to perform inspections and exercise enforcement authority.
      (1)   The Mayor of the Village of Marble Cliff is hereby authorized and directed to sign and submit an application to the Ohio Board of Building Standards requesting the Board to certify the Village of Marble Cliff to enforce the Ohio Basic Building Code with the condition that the City of Grandview Heights Building Department perform all inspections and exercise enforcement authority as necessary in accordance with the Ohio Basic Building Code within the limits of the Village, and to enter into an agreement with the City of Grandview Heights for such purpose.
      (2)   The Village of Marble Cliff through its Mayor and its Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the City of Grandview Heights for the enforcement of the Ohio Basic Building Code within the limits of the Village, whereby the City of Grandview Heights Building Department will exercise all enforcement authority and accept and approve plans and specifications and make inspections necessary with the Village in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Basic Building Code pursuant to rule 4101:2-I-03 of the Administrative Code, except: "Plumbing," Chapters 4101:2-56 to 4101.2-69 of the Administrative Code.
      (3)   The terms of the agreement shall grant to the City of Grandview Heights full authority to do all things necessary to administer and enforce the Ohio Basic Building Code within the limits of the Village of Marble Cliff and in consideration therefor to allow the City of Grandview Heights to be paid an hourly reimbursement rate.
(Ord. 0-1727-99, passed 8-29-99)