Regular meetings of Council shall be held on the third Monday of each month at the Village Hall, 1600 Fernwood Avenue. Such meetings shall commence at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings shall be held upon the call of the Mayor, or any three members of Council by giving at least 12 hours notice to each member of Council, served personally, or left at his usual place of residence. Service shall be deemed sufficient if a copy of the original call for the meeting is served by the Mayor, the Clerk-Treasurer, or any member of Council in the manner aforesaid, and the person serving the notice shall make a certificate of the time and manner of service, which certificate shall be copied into the minutes of such special meeting.
(Ord. 244, passed 4-14-28; Am. Ord. 351, passed 4-5-43; Am. Ord. 0-1084-80, passed 4-14-80; Am. Ord. O-2128-06, passed 10-16-06)
   Rules for notification of meetings, see § 35.02