A. All transportation, storage and other handling of aircraft and vehicle fuel shall comply with applicable fire codes, FAA guidance regarding aircraft fuel storage, handling and dispensing on airports, the requirements of this title, and all other applicable laws and standards.
B. Aircraft fueling vehicles shall be provided and maintained with a substantial heavy duty electrical cable of sufficient length to be bonded to the aircraft to be serviced. Such cable shall be metallically connected to the transfer apparatus or chassis of the aircraft-fueling vehicle on one end and shall be provided with a suitable metal clamp on the other end, to be fixed to the aircraft.
C. The bonding cable shall be bare or have a transparent protective sleeve and be stored on a reel or in a compartment provided for no other purpose. It shall be carried in such a manner that it will not be subjected to sharp kinks or accidental breakage under conditions of general use.
D. Transfer apparatus shall be metallically interconnected with tanks, chassis, axles and springs of aircraft-fueling vehicle.
E. Employees of fuel agents who fuel aircraft, accept fuel shipments, or otherwise handle fuel shall receive fire safety training approved by the fire department.
F. Personnel assigned to and engaged in fuel-servicing operations shall not carry matches or lighters on or about their person. Matches or lighters shall be prohibited in, on, or about aircraft fueling equipment.