A. Scope. An application for a major grading type 2 permit requires a completed permit application, improvement plans, and all required reports and requirements defined in the town's applications, checklists, and process guides.
B. Improvement plan requirements. Improvement plans must include all requirements defined in the town's applications, checklists, and process guides, and shall conform to all rezoning ordinances, conditions, and other applicable regulations. All plans shall be sealed by the applicable registered professional engineer licensed in the state of Arizona.
C. Soils report. The applicant shall submit a soil report.
1. The report shall contain all geotechnical engineering information and recommendations applicable to the project.
2. The civil engineer responsible for preparing the grading plan shall incorporate all report recommendations into the plan and reference the report on the improvement plan.
3. Approved report recommendations shall become conditions of the permit.
4. The geotechnical or civil engineer shall stamp and seal the report prior to submittal and the date of the seal must be within one year of the submittal, except that:
a. The town may accept a soils report signed and sealed more than one year prior to the submittal date, if it includes a letter from the geotechnical engineer addressing any changes that have occurred since the report was originally sealed, as well as a statement that the recommendations in the report are still valid for the project.
b. The town may accept a soils report signed and sealed more than ten years prior to the submittal date, if it includes the information required in subparagraph a above, as well as at least one additional boring to confirm the recommendations of the original report.
D. Drainage report. The applicant shall submit a drainage report. The drainage report will be prepared in technical conformance with provisions of this chapter and the standards and other applicable requirements of the town.
E. At-risk grading.
1. An at-risk grading permit may be issued in special circumstances at the discretion of the town while the grading plan is being reviewed, provided:
a. The project has design plans that meet one of the following thresholds:
i. First review comments have been completed on a grading plan and the project has an approved preliminary plat or development plan, or
ii. First review comments have been completed on a development plan package.
b. A detailed estimate of the earthwork quantities has been prepared;
c. A restoration and reseeding bond, which includes an estimated amount to regrade and reseed the site to its original condition (plus 15% for administrative costs), has been provided;
d. All applicable fees have been paid;
e. The town finds that the grading is in the best interest of the town;
f. The grading does not include paving, drainage, utilities, or any structures.
Ordinance 2024.011 adopted revisions proposed by Resolution 2024-031, which added subparagraphs a and b to paragraph C.4.