A. Scope. The performance standards of this section are general grading and related site work performance requirements.
B. Natural undisturbed open space (NUOS). No vehicles shall traverse and no earth moving activities shall be conducted within areas designated by plat, or grading plan, as natural undisturbed open space (NUOS).
C. Site re-vegetation and stabilization. All graded areas that have not been re-vegetated, stabilized, or constructed upon at expiration of the permit shall be re-vegetated or stabilized within 60 days of the expiration date of the original permit, unless an extension is issued at the discretion of the town.
D. Slopes. All exposed cut or fill slopes shall be re-vegetated or stabilized in accordance with the approved grading plan and the "site revegetation and stabilization" graphic that accompanies this paragraph.
E. Terracing. Terracing to control surface drainage and debris on cut or fill slopes may be required.
F. Fill. Fill shall be compacted and soil-tested in accordance with all applicable standards.
G. Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall be increased by town staff if considered necessary for safety or stability, or to prevent possible damage from water, soil or debris:
1. Terraces. The width of a terrace shall be a minimum of six feet.
2. Buildings. Buildings shall be set back from the toe and crest of a slopes in accordance with this chapter, the town building code, or the approved soils reports, whichever is greatest.
3. Rights-of-way. The required setback of a slope toe, or retaining wall face, adjacent to a public right-of-way shall be ten feet, and may be reduced with the approval of town staff. Slope easements within the right-of-way may be considered at the town's discretion.
H. Drainage control systems.
1. Permanent control systems.
a. Surface drainage.
i. Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with approved surface drainage for stability and erosion protection of affected properties.
ii. Approved surface drainage interceptors shall be provided at the top of cut and fill slopes where there is surface runoff and erosion potential.
b. Subsurface drainage. Subsurface drainage for stability and protection of affected properties from ground water seepage may be required by town staff.
2. Interim systems. Approved interim drainage control systems shall be provided.
I. Restrictions of access.
1. If required by the town, points-of-entry to the site during construction shall be only as designated on the approved grading plan.
2. If required by the town, access roads to the site during construction shall be only as designated on the approved grading plan.
J. Additional requirements.
1. During construction, and until re-vegetation or stabilization has taken place, dust shall be minimized through application of approved dust controls as may be required by town staff.
2. Public rights-of-way, sidewalks, and other improvements shall be maintained during construction in a neat and clean condition, free of loose soil, construction debris, and trash.
3. Debris, fill, or equipment shall not be stored within a public right-of-way without the written approval of the town.
4. All excess earth work and debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in an approved manner.
K. Grading within the Tortolita Fan area. To minimize erosion and sedimentation in the run off from the Tortolita mountains, native vegetation shall not be removed from that part of the town east of I-10 except where the town engineer has approved the methods to control erosion, sedimentation, flow and related factors and their implementation is assured by a mutual consent agreement between the town and the applicant signed and guaranteed by cash or a bond acceptable to the town attorney in an amount set by the town Manager to guarantee performance of the provisions of the mutual consent agreement.