A. All proposed development projects within the town shall be reviewed for their potential impact on archaeological resources and all impacts addressed prior to the issuance of any permits. The process will typically follow the steps outlined here:
1. Records check.
a. A qualified archaeologist working for the developer will need to check site records with ASM to determine if the project area contains previously recorded cultural resources.
b. The archaeologist will make recommendations for further action based on the information provided in the report.
c. Town staff will review the recommendation and determine if further action is required.
2. Survey and assessment.
a. If it is deemed necessary by the town, the developer will have a qualified archaeologist conduct an on the ground survey of the project area and all other project related areas.
b. The archaeologist will then submit a report to the town that includes all findings and recommendations for further actions.
c. Town staff will review the submitted report and determine if further action is required.
3. Testing.
a. If the survey report recommends further investigation of the site, the developer will have a qualified archaeologist develop a testing plan.
b. Results of testing must be submitted and approved prior to ground disturbing activities.
c. After a testing plan has been approved and all work completed by the archaeologist, a final report will be submitted to the town indicating results of testing and recommendations for further work or clearance.
4. Mitigation.
a. If mitigation is required, then the developer will have a qualified archaeologist develop a mitigation plan. Mitigation options may include, but are not limited to, site avoidance, monitoring during construction, and full data recovery.
b. Town staff will review the submitted plan and either concur with the plan, or request revisions.
c. After the mitigation plan has been approved and all work completed by the archaeologist, a final report will be submitted to the town indicating what mitigation measures were taken and that all archaeological requirements for the project have been addressed.
5. Federalized projects. If a project has an element that requires a federal permit, the above steps will still be required, but the lead federal agency will review all reports and provide cultural clearance for the project. The town will be the lead on sites within the project area that are not under jurisdiction of the lead federal agency.