17-12-2 Definitions
For the purposes of this chapter, the terms and phrases listed below shall have the following meanings:
   1.   Archaeological resource: Sites, districts, and objects representing material remains of past human activity and life, which are preserved in their original setting and of historic or pre-historic significance.
   2.   Cultural resource: Any archaeological and historic site, building, structure, object, district, or landmark having historical, architectural, archaeological, cultural, or scientific importance.
   3.   Development: The performance of any building or land disturbing operation. The making of any material change in the use or appearance of any structure or land.
17-12-3 Applicability
A.   This chapter shall apply to all development and ground disturbance within the town, except for the development of a private single-family residence on a single family lot.
B.   Subsections 17-12-6 B and C, on discoveries during construction, still apply to any development project exempt from completing an archaeology survey and report.
17-12-4 Professional qualifications
All documents and activities relevant to the management, preservation, and recovery of archaeological and historic resources will be prepared or undertaken by a qualified archaeologist permitted by the Arizona state museum (ASM) working under the appropriate ASM survey and recovery permits. A list of ASM permitted consultants is available at the ASM website: https://statemuseum.arizona.edu/crm.