17-8-4 Pedestrian amenities for commercial centers
A.   Intent. This section is intended to accomplish the following goals in commercial centers.
   1.   To provide opportunities for outdoor patio dining, plazas, and other outdoor gathering spaces that encourage pedestrian activity.
   2.   To provide opportunities for pedestrians to seek refuge from the harsh desert elements.
   3.   To provide convenient "comfort stations."
B.   Design standards for commercial centers.
   1.   Outdoor gathering spaces.
      a.   The incorporation of plazas, pocket parks, and patio dining spaces is strongly encouraged.
      b.   Outdoor gathering spaces must be integrated as part of the overall design of a commercial center.
      c.   In-line commercial centers with a limited site area must incorporate outdoor gathering spaces by expanding pedestrian walkways along the front or side of the building.
      d.   Outdoor gathering spaces must incorporate a variety of pedestrian-scaled features such as:
         i.   Tables and chairs;
         ii.   Benches;
         iii.   Seat walls and/or raised landscape planters;
         iv.   Shade trees;
         v.   Shade structures;
         vi.   Flower pots or hanging baskets; and
         vii.   Sculptures or other public art features.
   2.   Pedestrian refuge areas. Primary pedestrian circulation routes must be anchored by pedestrian refuge areas where pedestrians are physically separated from the flow of vehicular traffic and/or are protected from the desert elements.