Quill signs are temporary signs which are allowed in non-residential areas subject to the requirements of section 17-10-30 (temporary signs—general requirements) and the following additional requirements:
A. Shall be displayed on the sign-premises.
B. One sign per 100 linear feet of street frontage up to six signs per frontage.
C. A maximum of two signs may be displayed for any business.
D. Each sign shall not exceed ten feet in height.
E. Each sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
F. Each sign shall be no closer than 50 feet to another quill sign.
G. May be displayed up to 21 days, four times per calendar year per business.
H. Quill signs are not permitted within the downtown neighborhood (DN) or downtown (DT) zones.
Residential subdivisions with a sales office and offering new homes for sale may submit a proposed residential subdivision sign program to regulate the use of temporary signs for the subdivision, subject to the requirements of section 17-10-30 (temporary signs—general requirements) and the following additional requirements:
A. A proposed residential subdivision sign program shall be submitted to the planning manager, who shall approve, deny, or require modification and resubmission based on the proposed program’s compliance with the requirements of this section.
B. A residential subdivision sign program must include:
1. A site plan showing the location of all proposed signs; and
2. A description of the type, number, size, placement, and materials of all proposed signs.
C. The residential subdivision sign program shall expire when the sales office is permanently closed.
D. All signs shall be removed upon expiration of the residential subdivision sign program.
E. A residential subdivision sign program may include the following on-site signage:
1. A maximum of 500 square feet of signage per builder.
2. No individual sign may exceed an area of 128 square feet or a height of 20 feet.
3. Temporary signs, flags (subject to the provisions of 17-10-20, flags and flag poles), and banners.
F. A residential subdivision sign program may include off-site directional signs subject to the following additional requirements:
1. Signs must be located within a reasonable distance of the subdivision, considering its remoteness from major transportation routes.
2. One sign may be placed at each major change in travel direction along the route leading to the subdivision.
3. On routes with infrequent major changes in travel direction, signs may be located at each intersection of collector or larger roadways.
4. Signs for an individual builder for multiple subdivisions shall be combined into a single sign; and
5. Signs of multiple builders for any particular master development shall be combined into a single sign.
6. If the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 5 above would result in three or more builders or subdivisions being combined on any particular sign and if the planning manager determines that the sign cannot provide clear direction to the motoring public, the planning manager may allow a residential subdivision sign program to include a separate sign that meets all other applicable requirements of this section.
G. In addition to the requirements of paragraph F above, residential subdivision sign program offsite directional signs within the public right-of-way are subject to the following requirements:
1. Each sign may not exceed six square feet in area and 30 inches in height.
2. Each sign must be clearly labeled with the permit number and the name and contact information of the sign permit applicant.
3. The sign owner must comply with right-of-way use permit requirements (see chapter 12-7, construction in town rights-of-way).
H. In addition to the requirements of paragraph F above, residential subdivision sign program offsite directional signs on private property are subject to the following requirements:
1. Written permission of the sign-property owner is required.
2. Each sign may not exceed 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
Ordinance 2021.004 replaced “planning director” with “planning manager” in paragraphs A and F.6
A. An existing use within a commercial, mixed-use, or industrial zoning district and within an area subject to long-term or substantial road construction activity performed by the town or other public entity or utility company may display one roadway construction business identification banner on each adjacent street frontage of sign-premises.
B. Banners shall be located on the sign-premises.
C. Banners shall not exceed 40 square feet.
D. Banners may be displayed throughout the period of construction.