APPLICANT: | A person, company or corporation who has filed an application for subdivision approval, site plan approval, or building permit approval. |
CAPITAL FACILITIES OR FACILITIES: | Shall include "system improvements" as defined in the Utah code, and also includes amounts appropriated in connection with the planning, design, engineering and construction of such facilities; planning, legal, appraisal and other costs related to the acquisition of land, financing and development costs including debt service charges; the costs of compliance with purchasing procedures and applicable administrative and legal requirements; and all other costs necessarily incident to the provision of a capital facility as allowed by the Utah code. Capital facilities eligible for impact fee funding, in whole or in part, shall be set forth in greater detail in the ordinances adopting the specific impact fee schedules. |
CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN: | A document, required by the Utah code identifying the demands placed upon existing public facilities by new development activity; and the proposed means by which the city will meet the demands created by new growth. The Mapleton City capital facilities plan identifies the anticipated demand for city provided capital facilities over a six (6) year period. |
CREDIT: | A reduction in the impact fee calculated to be due from new development for the provision of new capital facilities, including the dedication of land and/or improvements when the new capital facilities are identified in the capital facilities plan, and are required by the city as a condition of approval for the proposed development activity. |
DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY, IMPACT PRODUCING DEVELOPMENT: | Any construction, expansion, change in use of buildings, or change in use of land that has the effect of: A. Increasing the need or demand for a capital facility; or B. Utilizing existing capital facility capacity; or C. Causing an existing capital facility level of service standard to decline. |
DISTRICT OR IMPACT FEE DISTRICT: | A defined geographic area or subarea of the Mapleton City corporate limits within which impact fees are collected, appropriated, and expended for capital facilities serving new development within such area or subarea. |
FEE ADJUSTMENT: | A modification factor included within the impact fee calculation methodology, to avoid a potential double charging, for consideration of prior taxes paid, and taxes anticipated to be paid in the future for the provision of capital facilities required to serve impact producing development and included in a capital facilities plan. |
IMPACT FEE: | A monetary exaction imposed in connection with and as a condition of development approval and calculated to defray all or a portion of the costs of capital facilities necessary to accommodate new impact producing development activity and reasonably benefitting the development. |
MULTIPLE USES: | A development consisting of both residential and non- residential uses or one or more different types of non- residential uses on the same site or part of the same development project. (Ord. 2021-07, 3-3-2021) |