§ 153.119 DOGS.
   (A)   (1)   No owner or caretaker of any residential building shall knowingly allow more than 2 dogs over the age of 6 months to be kept, harbored or maintained within any residential building or any residential lot or parcel of property in the city without a permit as provided in §§ 153.131 and 153.132 below.
      (2)   The number of dogs permitted may be increased by obtaining a conditional use permit issued by the Planning Commission. The permit shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or prohibitions, unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors or annoyance, or to protect the public health or safety.
   (B)   (1)   Permits shall specify any restrictions, limitations, conditions or prohibitions, unsanitary conditions, unreasonable noise or odors, or annoyance, or to protect the public health or safety.
      (2)   A like permit may be modified from time to time or revoked by the Commission for failure to conform to restrictions, limitations, conditions or prohibitions, modifications or revocations shall be effective from and after 30 days following the mailing of written notice thereof by certified mail to the person or persons keeping or maintaining the dogs.
   (C)   Any person owning or harboring a dog for 3 consecutive days shall for the purpose of this section be deemed the owner thereof.
(Ord passed 4- -1995; Am. Ord. passed 8- -2001) Penalty, see § 10.99