(A)   Notarized certification by owner and by any mortgage holder of record, of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas.
   (B)   Notarized certification by a registered land surveyor, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or her and that monuments and markers shown therein exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
   (C)   Certification showing that all taxes and special assessments due on the property have been paid in full.
   (D)   (1)   Space for certificates of approval to be filled in by the signatures of the Chairperson of the Planning Commission and the Mayor and City Council.
      (2)   The form of approval by the Planning Commission is as follows:
Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Mapleton this ___ day of __________, 20_____.
Signed: ___________________________________, Chairperson
Attest: ____________________________________, Secretary
      (3)   The form of approval by the City Council is as follows:
Approved by the City of Mapleton, Minnesota this ____ day of _________, 20_____.   
Signed: _______________________________, Mayor
Attest: ________________________________, City Administrator
(1985 Code, § 1302.09)