§ 152.022 CONTENTS.
   The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision. Name shall not duplicate or too closely resemble name of existing subdivision;
   (B)   Location of boundary lines in relation to section, quarter section or quarter-quarter section lines and any adjacent corporate boundaries, comprising a legal description of the property;
   (C)   Names and addresses of the developer and the designer making the plat;
   (D)    Scale of plat, not less than 1 inch to 100 feet;
   (E)   Date and north point;
   (F)   Existing conditions:
      (1)   Location, width and name of each existing or platted street or other public way, railroad, right-of-way, utility right-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, and permanent buildings within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   All existing sewers, water mains, gas mains, culverts, or other underground installations within the proposed subdivision or immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe size, grades and locations shown;
      (3)   Names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjacent parcels of unsubdivided land; and
      (4)   Topography with contour intervals of not more than 2 feet related to U.S.G.S. datum; also the location of water courses, ravines, bridges, lakes, wooded areas, approximate acreage and other features as may be pertinent to subdivision.
   (G)   Proposed developments:
      (1)   The location and width of proposed streets, roadways, alleys, pedestrian ways and easements;
      (2)   The location and character of all proposed public utility, lines, including sewers (storm and sanitary), water, gas and power lines;
      (3)   Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of lots and the number or letter of each block;
      (4)   Location and size of proposed parks, playgrounds, churches or school sites or other special uses of land to be considered for dedication to public use;
      (5)   Building setback lines with dimensions;
      (6)   Indication of any lots on which use other than residential is proposed by the subdivider; and
      (7)   The zoning districts, if any, on and adjacent to the tract.
   (H)   Supplementary requirements: 2 copies of profiles shall be furnished for each proposed street, showing existing grades and proposed approximate grades and gradients on the center line of the street. The location of proposed culverts and bridges shall also be shown.
(1985 Code, § 1302.03)