(A) It shall be the duty of the Chief to call all regular and special meetings.
(B) The Chief shall see that all subordinate officers execute their obligations and duties to the best of their abilities.
(C) The Chief shall be present at all fires, if at all possible, and shall assume full charge of all operations.
(D) It shall be the duty of the Chief to call special meetings at the written request of 5 members of the Department, the request stating the subject of the call.
(E) It shall be the Chief's duty to enforce the rules and regulations of the Department and to have general supervision over all the affairs of the Department.
(F) It shall be within the Chief's power to recommend to suspend or discharge any member for a just cause.
(G) The Chief with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee shall formulate a set of general rules and procedures to govern the Department and shall be responsible to the Council for the personnel, morale and general efficiency of the Department.
(H) It shall be the duty of the first assistant to assist the Chief in the discharge of his or her duties; and, in the event of the absence of the Chief, to assume the duties of the Chief.
(I) At the option of the Chief, a special committee may be appointed for any or all examinations of new members or subjects vital to the Department.
(J) (1) It shall be the duty of the Chief to preside at all meetings, to preserve order and to decide all points of order that may arise, subject to an appeal from his or her decision to the members of the Department.
(2) In case of an appeal, 2/3 vote of all members present shall be necessary to reverse his or her decision.
(3) He or she shall appoint an auditing committee and any other special committees necessary for the transaction of Department business.
(4) The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.
(K) It shall be the duty of the Chief to take charge of all property of the Department and to see it is properly taken care of.
(1985 Code, § 203.03)
(A) (1) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings of the Department, to call the roll, to record all absences and to keep the books and preserve the records of the Department.
(2) He or she shall collect all monies due the Department, giving proper receipts therefor.
(3) He or she shall give each member at least 5-days’ notice of any special meeting.
(B) (1) It shall be the duty to receive all money collected by the Secretary; to give his or her receipt therefor; to keep regular accounts of all monies as received; to pay the money out on the order of the Department when the checks are properly signed by the Secretary; to make an annual report.
(2) The annual report shall be an itemized report reflecting the sums received designating the source (whether from fires, dues or otherwise), the sums paid out, and the balance on hand or deficiency due the treasury accompanied by the proper vouchers, therefor.
(3) The annual report shall be made at the first meeting in January. The books and official documents for examination shall be submitted for examinations by the Auditing Committee annually to enable them to make proper reports.
(1985 Code, § 203.04)
(A) It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to examine the accounts that may be referred to it by the Department, to examine the accounts at least once a year, oftener if necessary, and to make a report at or before the next regular meeting.
(B) It shall be the duty of a 3-member special committee appointed by the Chief to investigate the character and standing of any person making application for membership in the Department or subjects vital to the Department and to report its findings to the Department.
(C) (1) There shall be a Grievance Committee elected by the members from the floor at the business meeting in January each year.
(2) The Grievance Committee shall consist of up to 5 members.
(D) (1) It shall be the duty of the Grievance Committee to investigate complaints and petitions as may be referred to it by the Department and to report its findings to the Chief.
(2) It shall also be its duty to investigate grievances of the members and outsiders and to adjust the grievances to the best of its ability in order to promote good fellowship and harmony in the Department.
(E) Any committee appointed by the Chief, or otherwise appointed or elected shall have authority to request assistance from any member or members of the Department.
(F) Any member of any committee, whether appointed, elected or requested to serve on the Committee, who fails to serve or shows lack of interest in serving shall be subject to the provisions of § 32.03(F) above.
(1985 Code, § 203.05)
(A) Any officer of the Department may be impeached therefrom and recommended to be removed from his or her office by a 2/3 vote of members present at a regular or special meeting for abuse of his or her authority or misconduct in his or her office.
(B) The charge against him or her shall be made in writing and filed with the Secretary at least 1 month before any vote shall be taken on it and a copy of the charge shall be served on him or her at least 2 weeks before a vote shall be taken.
(1985 Code, § 203.06)