(A) (1) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings of the Department, to call the roll, to record all absences and to keep the books and preserve the records of the Department.
(2) He or she shall collect all monies due the Department, giving proper receipts therefor.
(3) He or she shall give each member at least 5-days’ notice of any special meeting.
(B) (1) It shall be the duty to receive all money collected by the Secretary; to give his or her receipt therefor; to keep regular accounts of all monies as received; to pay the money out on the order of the Department when the checks are properly signed by the Secretary; to make an annual report.
(2) The annual report shall be an itemized report reflecting the sums received designating the source (whether from fires, dues or otherwise), the sums paid out, and the balance on hand or deficiency due the treasury accompanied by the proper vouchers, therefor.
(3) The annual report shall be made at the first meeting in January. The books and official documents for examination shall be submitted for examinations by the Auditing Committee annually to enable them to make proper reports.
(1985 Code, § 203.04)