For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AREA. The gross area of the parcel or lot which is benefitted, in terms of square feet or acres. All property within district boundaries are to be included. District boundaries shall be determined by the City Council based upon the recommendation of city staff and the city's consulting engineer.
   AREA METHOD. Assessments may be distributed according to the gross area of the benefitted lot or parcel. The assessable area shall be expressed in terms of the number of acres or the number of linear feet subject to assessment.
   ASSESSABLE COST. Those costs, which in the opinion of the City Council, are attributable to the need for service in the areas served by the improvement. The assessable cost shall be equal to the project cost (defined below) of the current project, minus city cost (as defined below), minus other financial assistance (as defined below).
   ASSESSMENT. Area to be assessed (acres or linear feet) X assessment rate per acre or linear feet. Where appropriate, an allowance will be made for streets. When the area is platted, the deduction will be for actual and proposed street right-of-way. For unplatted land with no streets platted or proposed, a deduction of 20% of the gross acreage applies as a street credit.
   BENEFIT. Anything that promotes, enhances or improves the property or allows the property owner to gain an advantage because of the improvement. It reflects the increase in market value of the assessed property that is directly attributable to the improvement.
   CITY COST. Where the project cost of an improvement is not entirely attributable to the need for service to the areas served by the improvement, or where unusual conditions beyond the control of the property owners in the area served by the improvement would result in an inequitable distribution of special assessments, the city may pay the CITY COSTS, which in the opinion of the City Council represents the excess cost not directly attributable to the area served.
   FRONT SIDE. The side of a property represented by its street address.
      (1)   If financial assistance is received from any other unit of government, or from any other source to defray a portion of the cost of a given improvement, the aid will first be used to reduce the city cost of the improvement.
      (2)   If the financial assistance received is greater than the normal city cost, the remainder of the aid will be used to reduce the special assessments against the benefitting properties. Reductions will be applied on a pro-rata basis.
   OVERLAY STREET CONSTRUCTION. Consists of a bituminous surface constructed by applying a bituminous overlay to city streets and rolling to grade. Also included may be shouldering and milling (where applicable). This overlay may vary in thickness depending on the condition of the street to be surfaced. This improvement does not include a gravel base and is designed as an interim surface until at which time all subsurface utility construction has been completed.
   PERCENT OVER BOND. A certain percentage rate is added to the special assessments, above the rate at which bonds were sold, for the purpose of obtaining the interest of extended repayment and recovering city administrative costs. The rate shall be set at 2% over the general obligation bond rate for the project.
   PERMANENT STREET CONSTRUCTION. Consists of and includes all necessary grading, base, drainage, curb and gutter, and hard surfacing such as bituminous and concrete. This improvement is constructed only after all underground utilities have been installed in a street.
   PROJECT COST. Includes the cost of all necessary construction work required to accomplish the improvement, plus expenses incurred or to be incurred making the improvement, including engineering, legal, administrative, financing, right-of-way and the contingent costs.
      (1)   Consists of an inexpensive asphalt surface constructed by applying an asphalt overlay to city streets and rolling to grade.
      (2)   This overlay may vary in thickness depending on the condition of the street to be surfaced.
      (3)   This improvement does not include a gravel base and is designed as an interim surface until at which time all subsurface utility construction has been completed. Seal coating shall also be considered as a temporary street improvement.
   UNIT or LOT BASIS. The City Council may determine that the assessable cost would be more equitably distributed on a UNIT BASIS, the assessable unit may be the lot (i.e. a uniform per lot assessment,) utility connection or other equitable unit adopted by the Council.
(Ord. passed 6-16-1998)