(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BUSINESS DISTRICT EMERGENCY. Any amount of snow in the business district which needs to be removed for safety. This snow could include, but not be limited to, low amounts of snowfall, drifting snow, or cleanup from previous snow removal.
      CITYWIDE EMERGENCY. Following a 2 inches or more snowfall, until the snow has been plowed by the city from curb to curb.
   (B)   Declaration.
      (1)   Citywide. Upon the existence of an emergency as defined herein, the Police Department or City Administrator shall make an effort to notify the public. The emergency regulations set forth below shall become effective as soon as the city has 2 inches or more snow fall.
      (2)   Business district. Upon the existence of an emergency as defined herein, the Police Department or City Administrator shall make an effort to notify the public with a minimum of 4 hours notice prior to being effective.
   (C)   Unlawful acts.
      (1)   Citywide. During a citywide emergency, it is unlawful for any person, as driver or operator of a vehicle, or as the registered owner of such vehicle, to park, stop, or leave standing, or cause, allow or permit to be parked, stopped, or left standing, whether knowingly or unknowingly, any such vehicle upon any city street until the street is plowed curb to curb. Except parking is permitted on Main Street after snow has been piled in the middle of the road, as long as the parked vehicle does not hinder snow removal.
      (2)   Business district. During a business district emergency, it is unlawful for any person, as driver or operator of a vehicle, or as the registered owner of such vehicle, to park, stop, or leave standing, or cause, allow, or permit to be parked, stopped, or left standing, whether knowingly or unknowingly, any such vehicle upon:
         (a)   Main Street from 1st Avenue NW to 4th Avenue NE;
         (b)   1st Avenue NE, 2nd Avenue NE, and 3rd Avenue NE from Silver Street to Smith Street
         (c)   1st Avenue NW from Silver Street to Main Street; and
         (d)   Troendle Street SW from Charlotte Court to 3rd Avenue SW.
      (3)   The emergency regulations set forth shall be effective from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
   (D)   Towing. Upon the existence of an emergency as defined above, the city may tow vehicles in violation of this section as authorized in M.S. § 169.041.
(Ord. 71.03, passed 12-7-2010; Am. Ord. passed 10-7-2014; Am. Ord. passed 11-4-2015; Am. Ord. passed 5-17-2022)