APPLICANT: Means the person or entity filing an application under this chapter.
OWNER: Means the individual or entity that intends to own and operate the photovoltaic system in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM: Means a device for changing light rays from the sun directly into electricity, also called solar cell.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM, BUILDING INTEGRATED: Means a photovoltaic system that is an integral part of a principal or accessory building, rather than a separate mechanical device, replacing or substituting for an architectural or structural component of a building.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM, BUILDING-MOUNTED: A photovoltaic system affixed to either the principal or accessory structure.
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM, GROUND-MOUNTED: A photovoltaic system that is not attached to another structure and is affixed to the ground, or that is attached to an antenna, light pole or other utility facility. (Ord. 19-06, 6-3-2019)