The village of Manteno is authorized to construct, operate and maintain wayfinder signs on public property or in a public right of way for the purposes of directing the public's attention to businesses, governmental buildings, historical sites, hospitals, parks, public property, schools, streets, or other similar locations within the corporate limits of the village of Manteno and village owned property outside of village limits.
   (A)   The village of Manteno shall have the sole authority to determine the location, number, size and style of wayfinder signs.
   (B)   The village of Manteno shall have the sole authority to determine the location, number, size and style of the individual placards to be affixed to wayfinder signs.
   (C)   Private entities may apply to the office of the village clerk to have their business names placed on an individual placard at their own cost for the reproduction and installation of the placard. The placard will be ordered through the village of Manteno to ensure its conformity to other placards and wayfinder signs throughout the village.
   (D)   Only those entities licensed to conduct business within the village of Manteno, and currently in operation, may be granted the right to have a placard affixed to a wayfinder sign.
   (E)   The village clerk shall have the right to deny any request for a placard to be affixed to a wayfinder sign for any reason including, but not limited to, lack of space, aesthetics, public/traffic safety, or nonconformance with the rules established by the village administrator.
   (F)   Priority for placard space on a wayfinder sign shall be given to the locations of governmental buildings, historical sites, parks, public locations, streets and locations of public accommodation such as schools and hospitals.
   (G)   Priority for private entities shall be based upon the timeliness of the application and payment. The village shall have the right to remove or move the placard of a private entity, without prior notice, so as to make space for placards identifying the locations specified in subsection (F) of this section. Any placard so removed shall be affixed to another wayfinder sign as space becomes available.
   (H)   The village administrator shall establish written rules for the erection, maintenance and the removal of individual placards on wayfinder signs. The village administrator shall establish a monthly fee to be paid by private entities having their names affixed to a wayfinder sign for the continued maintenance of wayfinder signs throughout the village. (Ord. 12-07, 5-21-2012)