(A)   Since 1990, the village has ranked among the fastest developing communities in Kankakee County and southern Will County with a growth rate exceeding the projections expressed in its comprehensive plan adopted in 1991.
   (B)   The population of the village increased by approximately eighty five percent (85%) from three thousand four hundred sixty five (3,465) in 1990 to six thousand four hundred fourteen (6,414) in 2000.
   (C)   The substantial and rapid population growth of the village directly corresponds to the increase in residential housing starts since 1990 with housing starts increasing by over three hundred forty eight percent (348%) from 1990 (29 single-family homes) to 2003 (130 single-family homes).
   (D)   Numerous factors have contributed to growth pressures in the village, including, without limitation, the following:
      1.   Continued urbanization of the south suburban Chicago metropolitan region.
      2.   Proximity and access to south suburban employment centers.
      3.   The general attractiveness of the rural, small community setting offered by the village.
      4.   The decision to designate the Peotone area in Will County as the site of the proposed south suburban regional airport.
   (E)   In order to exercise responsible growth management in its environs, the village annexed in excess of one thousand four hundred (1,400) acres of land during the period from 1993 to 2004. Current growth trends are expected to continue based on the ongoing development of such annexed areas.
   (F)   Healthful, productive, and responsible community life depends, in part, on the availability of adequate school facilities for the residents of the village. Manteno is served by Manteno Community Unit School District 5, which is expected to experience an increase of one thousand seventy two (1,072) pupils by the year 2010 according to a development and enrollment study conducted for the district in October 2002. The study questions School District 5's ability to accommodate the projected additional students with existing facilities. School District 5 officials anticipate that as much as seventy million dollars ($70,000,000.00) in new facilities may be required over the next six (6) years to accommodate the projected student increase.
   (G)   The village recognizes that park land is a vital component of the quality of life experienced by community residents. The village commitment to advancing its park facilities program is exemplified by actions such as the establishment of the Manteno recreation and parks commission in 1996.
   (H)   It is declared to be the policy of the village that the provision of various public facilities required to serve new development is subject to the control of the village in accordance with the comprehensive plan of the village for the orderly, planned, efficient, and economical development of the village.
   (I)   New development causes and imposes increased and excessive demands upon public facilities and services that are specifically and uniquely attributable to those developments. Affected facilities and services include the Manteno Community Unit School District 5 and the Manteno recreation and parks commission system.
   (J)   The dramatic increase in the construction of residential buildings in the village is expected to continue and is expected to place ever increasing demands on Manteno Community Unit School District 5 and the Manteno recreation and parks commission system.
   (K)   Development potential and property values are influenced and affected by village policy as expressed in the comprehensive plan and as implemented by the village zoning and subdivision ordinances and the capital improvement budget.
   (L)   To the extent that new development places demands upon public facilities which are specifically and uniquely attributable to that development, those demands should be satisfied by requiring that developments creating the demands pay the cost of meeting the demands.
   (M)   The amount of the development impact fees to be required of new development shall be determined by the proportionate share cost of the additional public facilities needed to support such development.
   (N)   The village board, after careful consideration, hereby finds and declares that development impact fees required of new development to finance specified public facilities, the demand for which is created by such development, are in the best interests of the general welfare of the village and its residents, are equitable, and do not impose an unfair burden on such development. Therefore, the village board deems it necessary and desirable to adopt this title as herein set forth. (Ord. 04-32, 1-24-2005)