(A)   This chapter is adopted to provide adequate recreational areas and amenities in the form of neighborhood parks as a function of subdivision development in the city and to make the park land dedication and park development fee requirements an integral part of the review and approval of residential developments, whether the developments consist of new construction on previously vacant land or rebuilding and redeveloping existing residential areas.
   (B)   New developments or redevelopments that involve only the replacement or reconstruction of pre-existing dwelling units shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided that the developments do not increase the density of the preexisting dwelling units or involve a replat of the property.
   (C)   Neighborhood parks are those parks that provide a variety of outdoor, recreational facilities and within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served by such parks, the standards for which are set forth in the Parks Master Plan.
   (D)   The park quadrants established by the Department and shown in the Parks Master Plan, and as attached in Exhibit “A” to Ord. OR-2227-21, shall be prima facie evidence that any park located therein is within a convenient distance from the majority of residences to be served thereby. The cost of the neighborhood parks should be borne by the ultimate residential property owners who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such parks.
   (E)   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the corporate limits as well as to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city as a portion of the subdivision regulation process.
   (F)   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to properties that are included in a valid preliminary or final plat application that was submitted before the effective date of this chapter.
(Ord. 1421, passed 4-14-03; Am. Ord. OR-2227-21, passsed 11-8-21)