§ 115.041 POSTING SIGNS.
   (A)   The operator of an application site shall post a sign on all publicly accessible roads leading to the application site at a location within one-half mile of the application site during the application. The signs shall be posted at least three days prior to and up to 14 days after the commencement of the application. The sign must include, with minimum two inch letters, the operator name, the operator telephone number, the classification of sewage sludge and the TCEQ authorization number (if applicable).
   (B)   In the event of reasonably unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions or equipment failure, that necessitate a change in a planned application site, the required signs may be posted on the day on which the application commences. If signs are posted less than three days prior to commencement of the application, the operator shall notify the Director of the change in the application site prior to the commencement of the application and shall provide a written statement detailing the circumstances that necessitated the change in the application site to the Director within three days of the commencement of the application.
(Ord. OR-1969-15, passed 9-28-15)