(A)   No person may solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, on the streets of the city, the business of towing a vehicle which is wrecked or disabled regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting business of towing, removing, repairing, storing, trading or purchasing the vehicle.
   (B)   Proof of the presence of a person engaged in the wrecker business, either as owner, operator, employee or agent, on a street in the city, at or near the scene of an accident, who has not been called to the scene by the Police Department or the owner or operator of the vehicle, within one hour after the happening of an accident is prima facie evidence of a solicitation in violation of this section.
('78 Code, § 18-33) (Ord. 1108, passed 1-22-96) Penalty, see § 113.99