For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ISSUING OFFICER. The City Manager, or his designated representative.
   MASS GATHERING. Any meeting or gathering held within the city, wherein anyone in attendance at the meeting or gathering is not or is not expected to be within a permanent structure and which attracts or can be expected to attract more than 100 persons who will remain at the location of the gathering for a period of more than six continuous hours.
   PERMANENT. As used in "permanent structure" means any man-made structure for which the city has issued a building permit, a plumbing permit and an electrical permit, which has existing and currently operating plumbing and electrical service which complies with all ordinances of the city, which has an existing and currently operating supply of water provided only by the city and which has existing and currently operating sanitary sewer service provided only by the city.
   PROMOTER. Any person, group of persons, firm, corporation, partnership or association that organizes, promotes, manages, finances or holds a mass gathering.
('78 Code, § 11-20)
Statutory reference:
   Mass Gatherings Act, see Tex. Health & Safety Code §§ 751.001 et seq.
   Outdoor music festival regulations, see Tex. Occ. Code §§ 2104.001 et seq.