(A)   Permit. A completed permit application form shall include the valid license plate number of the mobile food vendor and a notarized form with the name and address of the commissary where products are purchased. A valid driver's license and proof of insurance will also be required at the time of application submittal.
   (B)   Permit holder. The permit holder is the person to whom the regulatory authority issues a permit for a mobile food vendor set forth herein.
   (C)   A mobile food vendor is not permitted on private property except as provided in this section.
   (D)   A mobile food vendor:
      (1)   Must be permitted by the regulatory authority. A mobile food vendor shall obtain either a valid city or Tarrant County mobile food vendor permit to operate within the boundary of the city limits;
      (2)   Must receive a permit from the Fire Department;
      (3)   Shall be permitted to operate only in those zoning districts where the use is permitted as a matter of right or approved by a specific use permit in accordance with applicable provisions of the city’s zoning ordinance (Chapter 155);
      (4)   May not be located within 50 feet of a lot with a building that contains both a residential and commercial use;
      (5)   May not be operated between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
      (6)   May not be located within 20 feet of a general or limited restaurant use;
      (7)   May operate as part of a special event permit that has been approved by the city’s Planning and Zoning Department and/or the city’s Parks and Recreation Department;
      (8)   May not operate within city parks unless vendors have written agreement from the city and are part of an approved special event;
      (9)   May not operate on any street, median, or sidewalk of the city or residential property, except for ice cream trucks; and
      (10)   Mobile food vendors are subject to inspection in the field. The Regulatory Compliance Department and the Fire Marshal’s office will perform inspections prior to being approved to operate and during operation at a special event.
   (E)   The noise level of mechanical equipment or outside sound equipment used in association with a mobile food vendor may not exceed 70 decibels when measured at the property line that is across the street from or abutting a residential use.
   (F)   A drive-in or drive through service is not permitted.
   (G)   Exterior lighting, if provided, shall be directed downward, and must be hooded or shielded so that the light source is not directly visible.
   (H)   A mobile food vendor is limited to signs attached to the exterior of the mobile food vendor. The signs must be secured and mounted flat against the mobile unit and may not project more than six inches from the exterior of the mobile unit. Signs shall otherwise comply with the provisions of the city’s zoning ordinance (Chapter 155).
   (I)   During business hours, the permit holder shall provide a trash receptacle for use by customers. The permit holder shall always keep the area around the mobile food vendor clear of litter and debris.
   (J)   A permanent water or wastewater connection is prohibited.
   (K)   Electrical service may be provided only by temporary service or other connection provided by an electric utility or an onboard generator.
   (L)   Inspection. Each mobile food vendor must be inspected by the regulatory authority before a permit will be issued. All applicants for a permit must contact the regulatory authority at least 48 hours prior to scheduling an inspection appointment. The warmer, refrigeration and freezer units must be operational, fully stocked and have visible, accurate, and numerically-scaled thermometers at the time of inspection and at all times thereafter. Cleaning supplies and sanitizer must always be present in the vehicle at the time of inspection and thereafter. In addition, mobile food vendors (e.g., food trucks) are required to register with the Fire Marshal’s office (no fee). A fire inspection will be scheduled to check Type I hoods, fire extinguishers for current tags, and a visual inspection of the propane delivery system. A current certificate from this jurisdiction’s health authority is required prior to fire inspection. Vehicles not in compliance will not be permitted to operate in the Mansfield city limits. A citation could be issued for continued noncompliance.
(Ord. OR-2235-21, passed 12-13-21; Am. Ord. OR-2236-22, passed 1-10-22; Am. Ord. OR-2249-22, passed 4-25-22; Am. Ord. OR-2348-24, passed 2-26-24)