A proposed land division reviewable by the village shall be approved if the following criteria are met:
   (A)   All such parcels contain a minimum area as otherwise required by the village zoning ordinance.
   (B)   All parcels created and remaining have existing adequate accessibility, or an area available therefor, to a public or approved private road for public utilities and emergency and other vehicles.
   (C)   The ratio of depth to width of any parcel created by the division does not exceed a four-to-one ratio or as otherwise required by the village zoning ordinance The depth of a parcel created by the land division shall be measured within the boundaries of each parcel from the abutting road right-of-way to the most remote boundary line point of the parcel from the point of commencement of the measurement.
   (D)   The proposed land division complies with all requirements of this chapter and the State Land Division Act (M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq.).
(Ord. 293, passed 7-6-2015)