(A)   No person shall do the following.
   (B)   (1)   Discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol, or bow and arrow in the village, except when in connection with a regularly scheduled educational or training program under adequate supervision;
      (2)   Engage in fortune telling or pretend to tell fortunes for hire, gain, or reward;
      (3)   Print, engrave, sell, offer for sale, give away, exhibit, or publish, or have in his or her possession for any such purpose, any obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, or immodest book, pamphlet, paper, picture, cast statuary, image, or representation or other article of an indecent or immoral nature, or any book, paper, print, circular, or writing made up principally of pictures or stories of immodest deeds, lust, or crime, or exhibit any such article within the view of any passerby;
      (4)   Engage in any disturbance, fight, or quarrel in a public place;
      (5)   Collect or stand in crowds, or arrange, encourage, or abet the collection of persons in crowds for illegal or mischievous purposes in any public place;
      (6)   Knowingly transport any person to a place where prostitution or gambling is practiced, encouraged, or allowed for the purpose of enabling the person to engage in gambling or in any illegal or immoral act;
      (7)   Keep or maintain a gaming room, gaming tables, or any policy or pool tickets, used for gaming; or knowingly suffer a gaming room, gaming tables, or any policy or pool tickets to be kept, maintained, played, or sold on any premises occupied or controlled by him or her;
      (8)   Disturb the public peace and quiet by loud, boisterous, or vulgar conduct;
      (9)   Permit or suffer any place occupied or controlled by him or her to be a resort of noisy, boisterous, or disorderly persons;
      (10)   Wander about the streets, either by day or night, or loiter in any public building, without any lawful means of support or without being able to give a satisfactory account of himself or herself;
      (11)   Prowl about any alley or the private premises of any person in the nighttime, without authority or the permission of the owner of the premises;
      (12)   Spit on any sidewalk or on the floor or place of public assemblage;
      (13)   Willfully destroy, remove, damage, alter, or in any manner deface any property not his or her own, or any public school building, or any public building, bridge, fire hydrant, alarm box, street light, street sign, traffic-control device, railroad sign or signal, parking meter, or shade tree belonging to the village or located in the public places of the village, or mark or post handbills on, or in any manner mar the walls of, any public building, or fence, tree, or pole within the village, or destroy, take, or meddle with any property belonging to the village, or remove the same from the building or place where it may be kept, placed, or stored, without property authority;
      (14)   Summon, as a joke or prank or otherwise without any good reason therefor, by telephone or otherwise, the police or the Fire Department or any public or private ambulance to go to any address where the service called for is not needed;
      (15)   Go upon the lands of another or upon the right-of-way of any railroad company, or climb, stand in or upon any tree for the purpose of witnessing or looking at any football game, baseball game or other athletic sports or games whatsoever, or any fair, show or other entertainment whatsoever, without the consent and permission of the owner or occupant of the lands, right-of-way or the owner of any such tree; and/or
      (16)   Make an improper noise, disturbance, or riot, or engage in any illegal or improper diversion, or aid or abet the commission of the acts, or encourage or promote the commission of the acts.
(1984 Code, § 8.92) Penalty, see § 97.99