(A)   No person shall engage in a temporary business of selling goods, food either prepared or unprepared, wares, merchandise, or other services at retail within the village from any lot, premises, building, room, or structure, including railroad cars, without first obtaining a license therefor. No license shall be granted except upon certification of the Village Manager and Village Clerk. The Village Council will set by resolution the requirements and fees to obtain a license.
   (B)   A license issued pursuant to this subchapter shall not give permission for the transient merchant to conduct or set up a business on public property or rights-of-ways without separate, prior permission. Transient merchants may set up business on private property, with the permission of the property owner.
   (C)   The area in which the transient merchant sets up business shall not diminish or reduce the number of parking spaces required, if any, in the area, locale or site pursuant to the Village of Manchester Zoning Code.
(1984 Code, § 6.91) (Am. Ord. 312, passed 9-6-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99