(A) Any person, except as hereinafter provided, desiring to procure a specific permit as herein provided shall file with the Superintendent of Public Works, at least 48 hours before the time proposed to begin the work, a written application upon a blank form prepared and provided by the village. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant, the name of the street, alley, sidewalk, or public place in or under which it is desired to make the excavation or opening, the kind of pavement or sidewalk thereon, the purpose, size, and location, as near as can be determined, of the proposed excavation or opening, the name, address, lot, and subdivision of the person for whose benefit the work is to be done, and the time during which it is desired the opening is to be permitted. When required by the Superintendent of Public Works, the application shall be accompanied by a plat or pencil tracing or sketch showing the location, character, and dimensions of the proposed excavation or opening for the installation of new work, or the location and character of the alterations involving the location of pipes, poles, conduits, wires, or other conductors. Any public utility operating in the State of Michigan under the jurisdiction and control of the Michigan Public Service Commission may upon written application on a form provided by the village, obtain an annual permit which is good for a period of 1 year from the date of issuance.
(B) Every public utility performing any construction work thereunder, at the end of each week, or more often when required by the Superintendent of Public Works, shall on a form provided by the village, file a written report showing all construction work performed by it within the village during the week under the provisions of the permit. The annual permit shall not authorize any opening in any concrete, asphalt, brick, or other pavement without the written permission of the Superintendent of Public Works in each case.
(1984 Code, § 4.5)