In addition to the remedies in § 92.138, the Ordinance Enforcement Officer may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to control weeds and growth which is in violation of the provisions of this subchapter; and to correct and abate the violation of this act, by any appropriate civil or criminal proceeding. The Ordinance Enforcement Officer may appear before the District Judge, Magistrate, or Clerk, and file a complaint charging the person violating this subchapter with the offense specified, praying for the arrest of the person, or in lieu thereof, issue and serve an appearance ticket with respect to the class of offenses heretofore described as misdemeanors in this subchapter by serving upon a person the appearance ticket when the Ordinance Enforcement Officer has reasonable cause to believe that the person has committed the offense of violating a provision of this subchapter. The Ordinance Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue appearance tickets pursuant to Public Act 366 of 1984.
(Ord. 152, passed 11-19-1986)