§ 92.016 NOTICE.
   (A)   Generally. Notwithstanding any other provision of §§ 92.015 et seq., if a building or structure is found to be a dangerous building, the enforcing agency shall issue a notice that the building or structure is a dangerous building.
   (B)   Persons who may be served notice. The notice shall be served on the owner, agent, or lessee that is registered with the enforcing agency under M.C.L.A. § 125.525. If an owner, agent, or lessee is not registered under M.C.L.A. § 125.525, the notice shall be served on each owner of or party in interest in the building or structure in whose name the property appears on the last local tax assessment records.
   (C)   Contents; notice of hearing. The notice shall specify the time and place of a hearing on whether the building or structure is a dangerous building. The person to whom the notice is directed shall have the opportunity to show cause at the hearing why the hearing officer should not order the building or structure to be demolished, otherwise made safe, or properly maintained.
   (D)   Hearing officer; filing of notice with officer. The hearing officer shall be appointed by the Village President, to serve at his or her pleasure. The hearing officer shall be a person who has expertise in housing matters, including, but not limited to, an engineer, architect, building contractor, building inspector, or member of community housing organization. An employee of the enforcing agency shall not be appointed as hearing officer. The enforcing agency shall have a copy of the notice that the building or structure is a dangerous building with the hearing officer.
   (E)   Notice in writing; service. The notice shall be in writing and shall be served upon the person to whom the notice is directed either personally, or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the owner or party in interest at the address shown on the tax records. If a notice is served on a person by certified mail, a copy of the notice shall also be posted upon a conspicuous part of the building or structure. The notice shall be served upon the owner or party in interest at least 10 days before the date of the hearing included in the notice.
(Ord. 207, passed 2-1-1993)