   This section applies to any animal that has not bitten any person or not contracted rabies or is not suspected of having rabies or has not been bitten by an animal that has contracted rabies or has not been bitten by an animal that is suspected of having rabies. After an animal has been kept by the Washtenaw County Humane Society for a period of time and has not been redeemed by his or her owner, that animal will eventually be disposed of by the Humane Society.
(Ord. 224, passed 9-18-1995)
   (A)   Except as otherwise prohibited within this chapter, no person shall keep any livestock or poultry within the village. This prohibition does not apply to livestock or poultry kept within the village on 3-2-1987. However, the livestock and poultry allowed to remain within the village shall not be replaced.
   (B)   The owner of an animal shall not permit or enable his or her animal to run at large. This action is declared to be a nuisance and dangerous to the public health and safety.
   (C)   The owner of an animal shall not permit or enable his or her animal to discharge its feces on property other than that of its owner unless the owner immediately removes and disposes the feces. At no time shall animal feces be disposed of in a public trash receptacle. This action is declared to be a nuisance and dangerous to the public health and safety.
(Am. Ord. 233, passed 9-20-1999)
   (D)   The owner of an animal which has been attacked or bitten by another animal shall immediately notify the Police Department of this occurrence. Failure to notify the Police Department is declared dangerous to the public health and safety.
   (E)   Any person who shall have in his or her possession an animal which has contracted rabies, or which has been subjected to the same, or which is suspected of having rabies or of having bitten any person, shall, upon demand of any police officer or the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department Animal Control Officer, produce and surrender up the animal to be held for observation as provided in this chapter. Failure to produce and surrender up the animal is declared dangerous to the public health and safety.
(Ord. 224, passed 9-18-1995)
   (F)   No person, corporation or organization shall own, keep, house, harbor or maintain, in any dwelling or building, or upon any lot located within the village any exotic or wild animal.
   (G)   A person who owns or keeps an exotic or wild animal on the effective date of this amendment shall within 30 days remove the animal from the village.
(Am. Ord. 272, passed 4-20-2009) Penalty, see § 10.99
   The keeping of livestock, poultry and exotic or wild animals otherwise prohibited by this chapter may be permitted by applying for a special permit from the Village Council. Permits may be issued for fairs, circus performances, or other public exhibitions or entertainment events.
(Ord. 158, passed 2-2-1987; Am. Ord. 272, passed 4-20-2009)