§ 30.17 DUTIES.
   (A)   The Treasurer shall possess all the powers vested in and shall be charged with all the duties imposed upon Treasurers by state law. In addition, the Treasurer shall perform all other such duties in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the village, the ordinances of the village, or by state law. The Treasurer shall perform the other duties as may be assigned or prescribed by state law, the Village Charter, ordinances of the village, or the Council.
   (B)   The Treasurer shall:
      (1)   Have custody of all monies of the village and all evidence of value belonging to the village, or held in trust by the village;
      (2)   Receive all monies belonging to and receivable by the village that may be collected by any officials or employees of the village, including license fees, taxes, assessments, utility charges, and all other charges belonging to and payable to the village, and in all cases give a receipt therefore;
      (3)   Keep and deposit all monies or funds in the manner and only in the places as may be determined and report the same in detail to the Village Manager and in accordance with the Charter, state law, ordinances, and polices;
      (4)   Have the powers, duties, and prerogatives as are conferred by law to enforce the collection of state, county, village, and school taxes upon real and personal property;
      (5)   Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the village or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity; and
      (6)   Safely keep all bonds and notes of the village.
(Ord. 238, passed 8-18-2000)