   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM ADMINISTRATOR. A person or persons designated by the Chief to administer, control and review alarm application, permits, and false alarm notifications.
   ALARM NOTIFICATION. A notification intended to summon the police, which is designed either to be initiated purposely by a person or by an alarm system that responds to a stimulus characteristic of unauthorized intrusion. Multiple false alarm notifications in a 24-hour period of time shall be counted as only one F.A.N., when documentation is provided by the permit holder's alarm maintenance company that the alarm notifications were not as a cause of operator error.
   ALARM REVIEW BOARD. Consists of one representative of the Police Department, two professionals from the alarm industry as well as two members of the public at large, appointed by the Mayor.
   ALARM SITE. A single premise or location served by an alarm system or systems.
   ALARM SYSTEM. A device or system that emits, transmits, or relays a signal intended to summon, or that would reasonably be expected to summon police services of the city, including but not limited to local alarms. ALARM SYSTEM does not include:
      (1)   An alarm installed on a vehicle unless the vehicle is permanently located at a site.
      (2)   An alarm designed to alert only the inhabitants of a premises that does not have a local alarm.
      (3)   Fire alarms.
   AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE DIALING ALARM SYSTEM. Any automatic dialing device or an automatic telephone dialing alarm system shall include any system which, upon being activated, automatically transmits by telephone or telephone line to the Police Department a recorded message or code signal indicating a need for emergency response; or a system which, upon activation, connects to an answering service whose function it is to transmit to the Police Department dispatcher a need for emergency response.
   CHIEF. The Chief of Police or an authorized representative.
   FALSE ALARM NOTIFICATION (FAN). An alarm notification to the Police Department, when the responding officer finds no evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense. Excluded from this definition are:
      (1)   Alarms occurring during electrical storms, hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, and acts of God.
      (2)   The intermittent disruption or disruption of the telephone circuits beyond the control of the alarm company and/or alarm user.
      (3)   Electrical power disruption or failure.
      (4)   Alarms caused by a failure of the equipment at the communications center.
      (5)   Other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to contract by the permit holder.
   FISCAL YEAR. The period of July 1 through June 30.
   LOCAL ALARM. An alarm system that emits a signal at an alarm site that is audible from the exterior of a structure.
   PERMIT HOLDER. The person designated in the application as required in § 93.03 of this chapter who is responsible for responding to alarms and giving access to the site, and who is responsible for proper maintenance and operation of the alarm system and payment of fees.
   PERSON. An individual, corporation, partnership, association, organization or similar entity.
(Ord. passed 6-27-94)