§ 72.22 ISSUANCE.
   (A)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or his agents to act on all bicycle license applications received and to issue the same when the provisions of this chapter have been complied with by the applicant, including the certification by the applicant that the bicycle is in good and safe mechanical condition.
('71 Code, § 5-28) (Am. Ord. passed 3-6-79)
§ 72.23 FEE; DURATION.
   (A)   The fee for each bicycle license issued shall be $1. A bicycle shall be considered registered for the entire life of the bicycle, unless the plate provided by the Chief of Police has been mutilated, destroyed, altered, or the ownership of the bicycle has been transferred to another person.
   (B)   Upon transfer of ownership of the bicycle the new owner shall re-register the bicycle as provided in § 72.21.
('71 Code, § 5-29) (Am. Ord. passed 12-5-72; Am. Ord. passed 3-6-79)
   The Chief of Police shall not issue a license for any bicycle when he knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe, that the applicant is not the owner of, or entitled to possession of such bicycle, or when the police inspection reveals the bicycle to be in unsafe mechanical condition.
('71 Code, § 5-30)