The Board of Water Commissioners, so constituted and organized, shall have and exercise all the powers vested in the city by an act of the legislature of the state, approved on June 30, A.D. 1871, entitled, “An act to enable the City of Manchester to construct waterworks,” so far as the same shall be legally delegated to them by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen; and they shall have power to appoint a Director, and all subordinate agents and assistants, and may fix their compensation and that of the clerk before mentioned. They shall proceed as early as practicable to construct adequate waterworks; provided, that no expenditure shall be made or work contracted for, exceeding in the whole the sum appropriated therefor by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen; but all the powers mentioned in this section shall be subject to any limitations and restrictions contained in the ordinances, regulations, and orders of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
('71 Code, § 26-9) (Am. Ord. passed 11-4-98)