(A)   Creation and composition. Pursuant to Charter § 3.02 there is established a Board of Assessors consisting of three full time assessors who shall be appointed as provided by Charter § 3.07.
   (B)   Department head. The department head of the Board of Assessors shall be one of the Board who shall be appointed as provided by Charter § 3.07. The department head shall also be the Chairman of the Board of Assessors.
   (C)   The Board of Assessors shall be responsible for the affixing of an assessed valuation upon all properties liable to taxation for ad valorem taxation, shall administer all tax abatement and statutory exemption requests and oversee city-wide revaluations. The Board shall also collect, supervise and preserve all data relative to taxable, non-taxable and tax exempt properties within the city and shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by federal, state and local law.
(Ord. passed 11-4-98)