§ 12.11 WARD 11.
   Beginning at a point of the intersection of the centerline of the Piscataquog River and the centerline of Kelly Street; thence northerly and northeasterly by the centerline of the Piscataquog River to the Manchester-Goffstown town line; thence northwesterly by the Manchester- Goffstown town line to the centerline of Upland Street; thence southeasterly by the centerline of Upland Street to the centerline of Kimball Street; thence generally easterly and southerly by the centerline of Kimball Street to the centerline of Bremer Street; thence easterly by the centerline of Bremer Street to the centerline of Boutwell Street; thence northerly by the centerline of Boutwell Street to the centerline of Mason Street; thence northeasterly and easterly by the centerline of Mason Street to the centerline of Montgomery Street; thence northerly by the centerline of Montgomery Street to the centerline of Goffstown Road; thence easterly by the centerline of Goffstown Road to the centerline of Amoskeag Street; thence southeasterly by the centerline of Amoskeag Street to the centerline of the Merrimack River; thence downstream by the centerline of the Merrimack River to the centerline of Granite Street; thence westerly by the centerline of Granite Street to the intersection of Granite Street and the south- bound off-ramp of Interstate 293; thence northwesterly approximately 200 feet to a point on the centerline of Allard Drive that is approximately 100 feet northeast from the intersection of Allard Drive, Douglas Street, and Douglas Street North Back; thence, from that point, southwesterly approximately 100 feet to the intersection of Allard Drive, Douglas Street, Douglas Street North Back; thence westerly by the centerline of Douglas Street North Back to the centerline of Main Street; thence northerly by the centerline of Main Street to the centerline of Conant Street; thence westerly by the centerline of Conant Street to the centerline of Notre Dame Avenue; thence northerly by the centerline of Notre Dame Avenue to the centerline of Walsh Avenue; thence westerly by the centerline of Walsh Avenue to the centerline of Cartier Street; thence northerly by the centerline of Cartier Street to the centerline of Gates Street; thence westerly by the centerline of Gates Street to the centerline of Dubuque Street; thence southerly by the centerline of Dubuque Street to the centerline of Conant Street; thence westerly by the centerline of Conant Street to the centerline of Quincy Street; thence southerly by the centerline of Quincy Street to the centerline of Granite Street; thence southwesterly by the centerline of Granite Street to the centerline of Winter Street then northwesterly by the centerline of Winter Street extended to the centerline of the Piscataquog River; thence upstream by the centerline of the Piscataquog River to the centerline of Kelley Street, to the point of the beginning.
(Ord. passed 4-7-20; Am. Ord. passed 12-21-21)