(A)   In any case when an employee is qualified for and is temporarily required to serve regularly in and accept the responsibility for work in a higher class of position, such employee shall receive the entrance rate of that class or one rate step above his present rate, whichever is higher, while so assigned, subject to the approval of the Human Resources Director or Human Resources and Insurance Committee. Such temporary assignment to a higher class of positions, to qualify for the higher rate of pay, shall be regular and continuous in character for at least one work day for FLSA non-exempt employees and one work week for FLSA exempt employees. An employee may be temporarily assigned to the work of any position of the same or lower class grade without change in pay. In those cases when an FLSA non-exempt employee is assigned to temporarily serve in a higher level FLSA exempt position, such as a superintendent's position in the Highway Department, then such FLSA non-exempt employees shall be granted the higher rate of pay in accordance with this section if the assignment is for one full work day or longer.
   (B)   When a department head position is vacant, the Mayor, or Board as appropriate, may appoint an individual as the acting department head. Such employee shall be compensated at the entrance rate of the salary grade for the vacant department head position or one rate step above his/her present rate, whichever is higher while so assigned.
('71 Code, § 18-56) (Ord. passed 6-14-67; Am. Ord. passed 12-27-67; Am. Ord. passed 5-20-75; Am. Ord. passed 11-4-98; Am. Ord. passed 8-5-03)