Every lot shall have the following yard requirements as measured from the farthest extension of the structure.
   (A)   Front yard.
      (1)   A 30-foot yard shall be provided on all street frontages (as measured from the curb, drainage or equivalent drainage facility).
      (2)   Corner lots shall be construed as having two frontages, each of which shall allow a 30-foot yard with the exception of corner lots located on streets with 60-foot rights-of-way, which shall allow for a 20-foot yard.
      (3)   Exception: none.
   (B)   Side yard. Side yards abutting interior lot lines shall not be less than three feet.
   (C)   Rear yard. Rear yards of at least three feet shall be provided.
   (D)   Determination. In determining building and yard requirements, the eaves shall be the determining factor.
   (E)   Entrance landing. A five-foot open entrance landing shall be allowed to all structures; provided, it remains three feet back from the interior property line.
(Prior Code, § 17.28.060) (Ord. 390, passed - -1993)