The following requirements shall apply in all districts.
   (A)   Home occupations. A home occupation is an occupation conducted as a secondary use in a dwelling; provided that:
      (1)   The use of the dwelling for the home occupation clearly must be incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes, and not more than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling may be used in the conduct of the home occupation;
      (2)   There may be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of the home occupation other than one sign, not exceeding six square feet in area, non-illuminated and mounted flat against the wall of the principal structure;
      (3)   No traffic may be generated by a home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of the home occupation shall be met off the street;
      (4)   No equipment or process shall be used in a home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot; and
      (5)   No outdoor unenclosed storage of equipment or materials used in connection with a home occupation occurs on the premises.
   (B)   Flood hazard areas. No building or structure may be erected or located within an identified 100-year floodway, or any area identified by the City Council as presenting a flood hazard. Any erection or location of buildings or other structures must conform to Ch. 153 of this code of ordinances or the county’s floodplain management regulations.
   (C)   Airport influence areas. No structure shall be constructed or located, nor any tree allowed to grow to a height in excess of one foot in height for each 20 feet in horizontal distance beginning at a point 200 feet from the end of each runway and extending to a distance of 5,200 feet from the end of the runway. The above requirement shall apply to an area having a width of 250 feet beginning at a point 200 feet from the end of each runway, widening thereafter uniformly to a width of 1,250 feet at a distance of 5,300 feet beyond the end of the runway, its centerline being the continuation of the centerline of the runway.
   (D)   Visibility at intersections. On a corner lot in any residential district, the following criteria must be followed:
      (1)   Measuring from corner 25 feet in both directions along the curb a triangle is formed.
      (2)   The following restrictions will apply:
         (a)   Maximum height of any new object(s) in the triangle section shall be 12 inches from top of curb;
         (b)   Any corner with a fire hydrant shall comply with the current Fire Code;
         (c)   No new trees shall be planted in a triangle;
         (d)   All existing trees shall be trimmed up to eight feet and shall not be replaced; and
         (e)   All existing hedges, bushes, shrubs and other objects shall have a maximum height of 30 inches from top of curb and shall not be replaced.
   (E)   Structure to have access. Every principal building erected or placed on a lot shall have access to a public street or any approved private street other than an alley, and all structures shall be so located on lots as to provide required off-street parking and safe and convenient access for fire protection.
   (F)   Exceptions to height regulations. The height limitations contained in the district regulations do not apply to spires, belfries, cupolas, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys or other appurtenances not intended for human occupancy and usually required to be placed above the roof level.
(Prior Code, § 17.52.010) (Ord. 390, passed - -1993; Ord. 432, passed - -2007)