§ 155.02 BENCH SIGNS.
   The design of bench signs shall be submitted in three copies to the city and be approved prior to permit issuance. Approval must be received from the Building Official for the city and the Zoning Department for the city. Bench signs shall not be placed by or near a business whose competition is advertised on that bench sign.
   (A)   Benches shall not exceed a maximum of six feet in length and shall not exceed 42 inches high, total height of the bench. Benches shall be placed on a concrete pad. Bench signs shall be placed a minimum of ten feet in any direction from any fire hydrant.
   (B)   The owner or permit holder shall provide public liability and property damage insurance, and shall provide evidence thereof with each application for permit or renewal.
   (C)   Permits to occupy public space for the bench sign shall be $25 per year per bench, payable for one year in advance and prior to permit issuance. This permit fee shall be renewed annually by July 10 for the following year. Fee may be prorated for periods less than one year. Permit will be valid from July 1 to June 30 of any year. Bench signs already in place prior to adoption of this chapter shall comply with this chapter. The City Council reserves the right to waive all fees for bench signs that are placed by local community service organizations or non-profit corporations.
   (D)   The location of each bench sign shall be approved by the Building Official and Zoning Department. A minimum of five feet of unobstructed sidewalk shall be maintained at each bench location. Bench signs shall not be placed on State Department of Highways’ rights-of-way or easements.
   (E)   Bench signs are prohibited from districts of the city zoned for residential use only. Bench signs may be placed in public parks at the discretion of and approval of the Park Board and Building Official.
   (F)   The owners of private property located nearest to the public property upon which the bench signs are proposed to be located shall indicate their approval of the location by signing the permit application prior to permit issuance.
   (G)   The owner or permit holder shall maintain the bench signs in a safe, clean and attractive state and shall maintain the area within ten feet of the bench sign so as to be clear of all garbage, rubbish, weeds, tall grass and snow.
   (H)   Bench signs shall be limited to one bench per block face.
   (I)   The bench sign permit may be revoked at any time for lack of adequate maintenance or other sufficient cause, after which the bench sign shall be removed by the sign owner within seven days. If the owner fails to remove the sign, the city may remove the sign, which shall become the property of the city. The sign owner may reclaim the sign by paying removal costs, plus a $25 fee.
(Prior Code, § 15.68.020) (Ord. 392A, passed - -1994)